OCCUPIED: Marketing Assistant Placement Opportunity

OCCUPIED: Marketing Assistant Placement Opportunity

An exciting opportunity for an undergraduate studying a marketing and/or business course to get a hands on ‘real-life’ work experience with Economic Growth Solutions. The Role Supporting the Marketing functions of the business and working with the...
EGS Easter Egg Hunt

EGS Easter Egg Hunt

To celebrate having a unique business acronym of ‘EGS’ for Easter 2018, Economic Growth Solutions will be sending 17 Easter Eggs to clients of the Manufacturing Growth Programme as part of an ‘Easter ‘EGS’ Hunt’. A surprise EGS Easter Egg has also been sent to each of the LEPs we work in partnership with to deliver the Manufacturing Growth Programme.

OCCUPIED: We’re Recruiting – Finance Business Advisor, Leeds City Region

OCCUPIED: We’re Recruiting – Manufacturing Growth Manager, Leeds City

Manufacturing Growth Manager wanted for the Leeds City Region. Employee will play an integral role in sourcing the right volume, mix, size and quality of clients onto the programme helping to achieve the overall contract targets. Applicant must have a reasonable network and work well with stakeholders.