Economic Growth Solutions
Our reputation is built on an innovative and quality approach to economic growth in UK businesses.

We Shape Business Support
We design and configure SME business support programmes that deliver real economic growth.

We Are Connected
We have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the SME business community and will provide you with the right connections.

We Deliver Quality
We work in partnership with funders to manage and deliver the entire process leading to economic growth and deliver the entire programme life cycle.
We Deliver Economic Growth
We have a credible track record of economic growth, with positive feedback from partners, clients and funders.
“We’re pleased to work with Economic Growth Solutions who bring expertise in delivering the ERDF-funded Manufacturing Growth Programme (MGP). Manufacturing is an important sector in our area and this programme adds to the growing suite of business support and advice we have for businesses across the South East Midlands.”
“SWMAS has worked with the team at Economic Growth Solutions for over 5 years on the successful design and delivery of business support programmes and in the production of the Manufacturing Barometer, the largest survey of SME Manufacturers in the UK. EGS are always easy to work with and we have built up a high degree of trust and a successful collaboration based on shared values and a passion to deliver solid value to businesses and stakeholders”.
“My experience of the Manufacturing Growth Programme application process has entirely positive; enquiries and applications have been processed promptly, efficiently and positively and this has enabled clients to proceed with improvement projects without difficulty or delay. EGS’s administration of this programme is refreshingly constructive and I look forward to referring more applications in over the next few months.”